Democratic Women of Macon County
We are a group of like-minded women committed to Democratic policies and principles and electing Democratic candidates at every level – to benefit families of Macon County, North Carolina and the USA.
To support the principles of the Democratic Party of the United States
To encourage Democratic women to take an active interest in governmental affairs, to participate in Democratic Party activities, and to seek public office in line with the principles and values of the Democratic Party
To promote and secure the election of Democratic Party candidates at all levels, from local to national
To initiate and carry out programs and projects on behalf of the national, state, and/or local Democratic Party
Democratic Women of Macon County is a member of the state organization – Democratic Women of North Carolina (https://www.democraticwomenofnc.org/) which was founded in 1961. Our Macon County organization elects officers, maintains bylaws and collects dues. Our treasurer files paper work accounting for all donations with the NC State Board of Elections as required by state statute (NCGS 163-278 7).
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month. For more information on time and location
Contact: Anne Hyder at: